Thursday, April 26, 2012

Still Standing

Recently, I readied my plants for being home alone while we traveled. I watered them extra-well each day, three days before I left—to the point that they probably wanted to gag. Then I filled the water globes and stuck them in the pots of the plants most likely to dehydrate. This time I made sure to start a hole with a pencil before setting in the water globe—no more water-blocking soil up the tube. I had read about putting plastic bags around the pots to hold in water but I ran out of time before I got to that. I worried a little during the week I was away but asked the Lord to take care of my plants and knew I would just have to deal with whatever happened with them. When I returned, I found that all were still standing though the pentas were very dry, even shriveled but water soon revived them. I’m also concerned about the new orange hibiscus, which has dropped a number of buds though I furnished it with a water globe. It might need a larger, non-porous pot. All in all, the gardens fared well, the outdoor one getting a little rain on this rainy, gray day. I love my garden but when the Lord calls me to travel, I will do it and prepare the plants the best way I can. Blogger changed it's interface while I was away so I'm having to learn it's ways. Change can be good but sometimes the adage, "If it's not broken, don't fix it," is more appropriate.

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