Monday, January 30, 2012

No Bells

On mornings like this when I’m having trouble getting started—the nature of Mondays, gardening along with some lively music helps get me started.

While checking over the outdoor plants (brrr) I found that even the die-hard Million Bells were no longer blooming. However, I did find some new growth. In January. Outdoors.

Even the regular petunias in the same hanging basket have new growth. I’m having to rethink my whole concept of petunias; I’ve always considered them to be annuals to dig up at the end of the season and start over. None have given me any reason before to think otherwise. Yes, this winter has been milder than usual but we’ve also had some very hard freezes—and yet they’re eager to grow. It’s almost as though the petunias knew I was about to give up on them since they were so overtaken with bugs (the Million Bells in the same pot were untouched) early on last summer… I know, I know, as my botany professor said, “Plants don’t think!”


  1. Really enjoyed this charming, upbeat blog about plants. What? They don't think???

    1. Thanks! My prof was particularly ticked off by "studies" that portrayed plants as feeling pain or "screaming" when another plant was pruned. He emphasized that thinking requires a brain and plants don't have brains. ☺ The studies, he said, weren't conducted by botanists but psychologists, who were only qualified to study people and should stick to their own field. (harumph!)
