Friday, June 22, 2012

Deeper Color

The fertilizer seems to be doing its work with the Angelonias; both are producing more buds and the flowers that have recently opened seem to be deeper purple though nothing else seems to have responded yet.


  1. Pretty! I branched out of my comfort zone (petunias) this year and tried geraniums and begonias, neither of which I have any experience. They're still alive so I must be doing something right!

  2. Good for you Betsy! It's good to branch out! Neither is hard to grow but do take a little more attention than petunias and do well even in hot weather (with a little shade for the begonias). One thing to watch though is that both geraniums and begonias have fleshy stems and can get water-logged, so they need just a little less water than the others. Geraniums can be brought in for the winter too.
