Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Desperate for Sunshine

I looked out the window this morning and saw what looked like a large ball of tan fur in the high bushes. What was I seeing up in the air like that? Was it a paper bag? No, it moved in a living way. I watched, then grabbed the camera and ran out to the garden for a better view, as I saw that it was a cat! First it preened, then settled in to bask in that lately rare feature of the earth—sunshine! I didn’t hear a peep out of the birds… Now, the crickets, frog and train make an interesting symphony punctuated with a few car horn blasts.

Rain once again poured over us last night—off and on all night. The forecasters said the earlier storm would be it. Wrong. We seem to be stuck in a pattern of “all or nothing”. I’d prefer to spread it out more.

But the “rain” of the Holy Spirit I’ll gladly stand in, dance in—in buckets, in torrents, indefinitely. I don’t ever want to go back to the way I felt before this revival came upon me! Today, on this tenth day of revival, the Holy Spirit has made very real to me—inside and out, that Jesus “carried our sorrows” (Isaiah 53:4)so that we don’t have to!!! When painful memories come up as those little darts tend to do, I can say, “Jesus carried that sorrow, he took the pain for me. It is finished!” The deep understanding of this lightens my load so much that I’ve been laughing for joy all morning! It’s like having rain and sunshine at the same time—in the best possible way!

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