Thursday, September 15, 2011

Too Soon to Quit

While my friends’ vegetable gardens are “pretty much over” by now, my garden is at its height in September. The plants that have survived the summer heat are gloriously full of colorful flowers or foliage.

Two coleuses came potted together. Once again, the one I planted in the larger pot has flourished the best—though they both have to share the pot with other plants. This one gets morning light while the other gets afternoon sun.

I’ve long enjoyed coleus for their wide range of beautiful patterns and colors, from yellow-green to magenta. Though they root readily in water I’ve not succeeded in overwintering fully-grown plants or cuttings—yet. My friend C. has however, kept her grandmother’s coleus growing for over twenty years!

Today is a slow day for me. I’d planned to fertilize but it will have to wait yet another day. In my highly caffeinated, hyper society I often feel that I’m supposed to accomplish a zillion projects each day at warp speed. I’m reminded though, that Jesus never seemed to be in a rush though he clearly had a limited time in which to accomplish. He took naps, sometimes left the crowds for hours to pray but he always stayed on course, knowing why he was here and what he was to do. He stood firm when people tried to get him off course. So while I may not “leap tall buildings”, I can stay on course and keep on doing what I’m here for.

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